About Us
WASKITA REIKI Natural Healing Center was established in 1998 by Tjiptadinata Effendi and Roselina, with the modest aim of improving the health of the masses by way of method known as Reiki. They first learn Reiki from their eldest son, Irmansyah effendi, founder of
Padmajaya and
Padmacahaya, but as things progressed, Irmansyah is more interested in the spiritual aspects, while they are more interested in the health aspects, thus they decided to establish their own institution.

Tjiptadinata Effendi and Roselina in 2018
Now, 20 years later, we have advanced so much in the field of Bioenergy, and we know that the Reiki method, while has some health benefits, is far from being sufficient to properly maintain the good health of any person. But, having said that, our researches so far has proven that by combining the use of other types of Bioenergy, not only we can improve health, but we can also perform curative actions on many types of ailment as well. Therefore, our aim now is to push forward Bioenergy Therapy to be accepted into the mainstream health care worldwide, starting from Indonesia.
Up to this day, most of our researches has been the work of our Head of Research and Development, Irwan Effendi (the founders' second son), who self taught himself almost everything he know about Bioenergy. He now has expanded his research of Bioenergy utilization well beyond healthcare, and establish his own firm,
Bioenergy Solution Center for that purpose. However, researches directly related to healthcare is still being done under the context of WASKITA REIKI.
The Logo
This logo is called "The Flower of Life", composed of the symbols of 7 chakras, spirit and soul, stacked on top of each other, on a white background and enclosed with a green octagon. The kanji for "Reiki" rests on top of the stack.
The phylosophy of this logo is to utilize the energy of the body, and of nature, in order to improve life, driven by pure intentions and conducted in a structured manner.