

Natural Healing Center


Pre Academy courses

These courses are designed with future academy in mind, however due to government regulations, after we obtain the license for a formal academy,  there may or may not be some revisions to the courses, but as per what we know now, most likely there will be additional courses not directly related to Bioenergy, rather than revisions.
Each of these courses are independent from one another, therefore they can be taken individually, as long as you have meet the prerequisite of completion of both the Basic and Advanced Level Bioenergy courses.
Please note that in all of these programs, therapist is not allowed to touch the client physically or use any form of physical medicine.

Specialist Program for Chiropractic and Orthopedic

Focusing on the treatment of bone and muscle problem, the aim of this program is to enable you to correct problems such as scoliosis, HNP, O and X shaped legs, dislocated joint, broken bone, and even grow the feet one inch or more per treatmet, to increase the client's height. 

Specialist Program for Internist

Dealing with malfunction of internal organs, this program combines the meridian knowledge from Chinese accupuncture science and medicine knowledge from Western/Arabic medical science. By simulating the needle and the medicine using energy, therapist is able to cure the same type of ailments that can be cure using accupuncture and medicine.

Specialist Program for Infectious Disease

This program is aimed to enable the therapist to cure microbial infection and stop the spreading of the disease. We are currently running remote clinical trials to validate results of treatment on HSV

Specialist Program for the Senses and Teeth

Currently in trial class review phase.

Specialist Program for Genetic Disorder

coming soon 

Specialist Program for Pregnancy and Birth

coming soon
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